Sell Product
via whatsApp

Use WhatsApp for sales, personalized marketing, real-time support, and customer satisfaction


Start with your today’s needs and scale to become a leading brand

  • WhatsApp Support

    ₹890 Save 67%


    / Month + GST
    Provide Support to your customers through WhatsApp
    Auto customer identification
    Auto sync with marketing
    Android and IOS app for your team to handle support
    Unlimited users and customers
    Convert customer chats into tasks and reminders
    24/7 Support from Tradexa team

    No credit card required

    Zero charges for 15 days

  • WhatsApp Support + Marketing

    ₹1490 Save 67%


    / Month + GST
    +   ₹


    / WhatsApp message
    (0.75 by Meta + 0.01 by Tradexa)
    +   ₹


    / SMS
    +   ₹


    / 100 Emails
    Everything in WhatsApp support
    WhatsApp bulk marketing
    Email (Html, Text, Image) Bulk Marketing
    Predefined festival Email templates
    SMS Bulk Marketing
    Customer CRM, unlimited contacts, unlimited users
    Delivery, read and click analytics
    Url Shortener
    Unsubscribe and auto bounce detection
    Multiple contact lists
    Your domain for Email marketing
    24/7 Support from Tradexa team

    No credit card required

    Zero charges for 15 days

  • WhatsApp Commerce + Support + Marketing

    ₹2490 Save 48%


    / Month + GST
    +   ₹


    / WhatsApp message
    (0.75 by Meta + 0.01 by Tradexa)
    +   ₹


    / SMS
    +   ₹


    / 100 Emails
    Everything in WhatsApp Support + Marketing
    No need of Website
    Convert messages into orders
    Turn whatsapp inquiry into sales
    Whatsapp Catalog Integration
    Convert instagram enquiry into sales
    Get order through whatsApp
    Accept payments through WhatsApp
    Auto customer delivery address collection

    No credit card required

    Zero charges for 15 days