Sell Product
via whatsApp

Use WhatsApp for sales, personalized marketing, real-time support, and customer satisfaction

Benefits to your business

  • Save

    100 Hours Monthly

    Become organized and be on top of everything to make yourself and your team productive

  • Run

    Your entire business individually

    Stop worrying about many people when you can take care of your business on your own

  • Cut down

    Your customer acquisition cost by 50%

    In business, customer acquisition is costly. Neglecting customer queries can waste all your efforts and investments in bringing them to your website

  • 50%

    Abandoned Cart Recovery

    More than 70% of customers drop after adding to their cart, and with automated reminders and automated product offers, you can recover 50% of abandoned carts, which can boost your sales by 2x

  • 4X

    Sales Growth

    Engaging with your customers, building trust, and encouraging repeat purchases can also turn them into advocates for your brand

  • 24/7

    Customer Support

    Connect with your customer, even if You are sleeping, and your team is not available. Never miss a message from your customer